Revise Persuasive Writing

Environmental Sustainability in Mexico

          What would be the future of Mexico in terms environmental sustainability? The United Nations in 2015 stablished 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UNDP, 2022). These goals were adopted by country members and in different parts of the world. Mexico, as a member, adopted in its agenda some goals which are relevant to the sustainable development in Mexico in terms of the national energetic system. The Mexican energy agenda for 2022 to 2032 includes the goal 7-accessible energy and non-contaminants, 11-sustainable cities, and communities, and 13-accion against climate change from the United Nations. Many experts argue that if the Mexican Ministry of Energy carries out the stablished agenda, Mexico would accomplish with its national and international energetic commitments. Through the development of the sustainable agenda Mexico would ensure energetic supply, reduce the carbon footprint, and support the energetic self-supply.
          First, sustainable plan ensures energetic supply. According to the President of Mexico, it is important to consider the use of energy at these times and the future generations (SENER, 2021). New energy production methods should guarantee that the production would satisfy the demand. Mexico represents 1.7% of the oil consumption globally but its commitments are to reduce that consumption and satisfying the supply of energy for future generation. According to the Ministry of Energy (SENER, 2021) the energetic mix is 86.9% fossil fuels, 2% nuclear, and 10.3% renewable energies. Among the renewable’s energies are solar, wind, bioenergy, and geothermal. Those energies have the capacity to totally replace the use of fossil fuels. Mexico has a large opportunity to support renewable energies. Of course, many will probably disagree with this assertion that he development of renewable energies in Mexico is high because actually is low (NREL, 2022). Although it is granted in Mexico there are 54 projects of investment in solar fields, wind energy, and cogeneration plants, which could increase the energy production and ensure the future supply. There is a cooperation between public, private and social sectors to contribute with the national supply and increase the use of renewable energies to decrease the exploitation of fossil fossils that in the future won’t be enough to satisfy the energetic demand.
          Second, the development of sustainable goals in Mexico would reduce the carbon footprint. The implementation of new technology can significatively impact in the greenhouse gases emissions. Mexico was responsible of 1.2% of the emissions globally in 2021. Therefore, some actions are taken to reduce its collaboration. Those actions are related to the use of oil in liquid fuels. Some scholarships are given to students to develop research about the potential use of biofuels. Alternatively, this fact could be viewed as something that still needs support. Recent studies have shown that still the renewable energies and liquid fuels pollute even more than fossil fuels. Due to the fact that there are still some hotpots about the government is considering the renewable energies evaluation through a life cycle methodology (FOLĘGA et al., 2022). An approach says that any kind of renewable energy is still less comparing the emissions of the fossil fuels (Woolcock & Brown, 2013).
          Finally, the energetic self-supply is an indirect effect of the development of the sustainable agenda. The production of fuels in Mexico let other countries to intervene in its supply and exploitation of the natural resources. However, Mexico is looking for energy sovereignty through the development of sufficient infrastructure in the life cycle of the production of energy. This includes fossil, renewable, and nuclear energy. It is reported an increasing capacity in science, technology, industry, and automatic process that allow Mexico to generate its own energy. Many people claim that the storage of energy is one of the main issues to let a country satisfy its own demand. Nevertheless, if the country develops new technologies independently from other countries, the potential of powering energy can be enough to satisfy the national demand and do not let other countries to intervene.
          Mexico, as member of the United Nations program, has national and international commitments aligned to the 2030 Agenda. The energetic plan for the coming years impacts positively in the energetic supply, reduction of emissions, energetic self-supply environmental issues. Still there are some downsides to consider regarding science, technology, and industry to implement its actions. However, the future in terms of environment is considered by the government supporting renewable energies and the transition of energy supply.


FOLĘGA, P., BURCHART, D., MARZEC, P., JURSOVA, S., & PUSTEJOVSKA, P. (2022). Potential Environmental Life Cycle Impacts of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles Powered By Hydrogen Produced From Polish Coke Oven Gas. Transport Problems, 17(1), 151–161.
Ministry of Energy in Mexico (SENER). (2022). La transición energética de México.  Retrieved from
 National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). (2022). Mexico Clean Energy Report.  Retrieved from
 United Nation Development Program (UNDP). (2022). The SDGS in action.  Retreived from (
Woolcock, P.J., & Brown, R.C. (2013). A review of cleaning technologies for biomass-derived syngas.  Biomass and Bioenergy, 52, 54-84. 


Exercise 1: Evaluate an essay

Read the student essay. Evaluate the essay using these questions:

  • Does the essay clearly state an opinion?
  • Does the essay follow a general essay structure?
  • Are the thesis statement, topic sentences, and restated thesis statement effective?
  • Are the ideas of the essay developed so that you understand the main idea of the essay?
  • Are all the sentences in the essay unified within and between paragraphs?
  • Are the sentences and paragraphs organized to have a logical flow?
  • Are there any words, phrases, or sentences that you notice are confusing for you as the reader?

Exercise 2: Give feedback

Read the student essay. Then, give the author feedback by answering the question below. 

  • What suggestions would you give the author who wrote this?

Exercise 3: Revise an essay

Read the student essay. Evaluate the essay to determine what needs to change to make the essay better. Decide how you are going to make those changes. Then, make the changes to revise the essay. 

You may do this on paper, on a computer, or as your teacher directs.

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