Revise Comparison Writing

Veggie and Omnivore Diets

       In the current social scheme of humankind we can see that there might be some differences between what a vegetarian diet can do for humanity and the popular favorite omnivore diet. Whether by personal preference or due to medical reasons, a person can choose between them two, and see different benefits. These diets can accommodate nutritional demands, personal preference in regard to taste, affordability, accessibility for the consumer and convenience for the environment as well.

       The vegetarian diet has a variety of benefits, some of which include personal, agricultural, and global. Adopting a vegetarian diet has been proven to lower and prevent disease in people in all stages of life, young or old. Some of these diseases include diabetes, cancer, depression, and heart disease.  It has been proven that by adding more legumes, seeds, roots, vegetables, and fruits to a diet one’s health will become more stable and healthy. it is important to note that to notice these changes the diet must be consistent and long lasting. “!”

        Whereas if a large population partakes in this diet, the agricultural real will see great growth and change. Because much of today's agriculture is dedicated to growing food for cattle, there has been a decrease in the amount of greens available for human consumption and production compared to industrial farming. Research has shown that in the United States “27% of crop land is used for direct human consumption, whereas 67% is used for animal feed” (1). By looking at these numbers agriculturists have come to the conclusion that to grow the percentage of human consumption, animal feed consumption therefore animal consumption should be reduced by adopting a more vegetarian diet.  

       When it comes to the global impact of vegetarianism it is easy to note that to allow for more crop growth and consumption farmers need to reduce the amount of animal feed crops; however, to do this world populations must first lessen the animal consumption. Besides this there is another reason vegetarianism is incentivised by the UN and other international organizations. That is the fact that Animal Agriculture has a big impact on the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Many agriculturists have come to the concussion that “about 80% of these greenhouse gas emissions are related to three sectors, transportation, power production, and industries.”(2) 

        On the other hand, omnivore diets that easily fit most pockets are simply convenient since its widespread consumption of ingredients around the world. A high percentage of communities and cultures from the world's population consume foods that include meat, an important missing ingredient for its vegetarian counterpart. Despite the differences between these two diets, both vegetarian and omnivore diets allow for nutritional benefits, personal preferences, and impacts on the environment.


Exercise 1: Revise an essay

Read the student essay. What suggestions would you give the author?


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