Example Personal Statement

I have found in animation the perfect way to tell a story. I have always been passionate about art. Since I was a child I found myself drawing and creating stories about magical places and extraordinary characters. It was a way to challenge reality and to expand my artistic creativity. As most children, I loved animated movies. They allowed me to dream, and to learn about simple but powerful things. The characters, the story, the music, the colors. Everything was wonderful. I wanted to be part of that. I wanted to do something that could give me the freedom to use all my creative skills in order to one day be part of the animated world. To be part of the memories of thousands of children and, since animation is not only for kids, luckily I can make all kinds of people feel the magic of an animated film. I am confident that I can grow significantly using my creative skills in [Name of Program].

I have two big passions that have developed with me as I have grown up. The first one is drawing. I have tons of notebooks full of doodles and sketches that I have filled out all my life. It is hard for me not to draw or doodle when I have paper and pencil in my hands, it is just natural to me. The second one is writing stories. I remember making short clips with my friends as a teenager with the stories I wrote or just being in my room, thinking of these funny characters and fantasy universes. I am also an enthusiastic learner, when I am passionate about something I put all of my effort into it. I acquired all my skills and knowledge of the field through self-study. I am very sure that I can make amazing progress once I am accepted. In addition to this I enjoy teamwork, which I know is essential during all the animation process. Even though I know my skills I can also recognize others’ good ideas and strengths. It is necessary to have vision for this career and to be able to put all your ideas in a single artistic film.

My skills and personal experiences make me useful for this [Name of Program] as it would considerably conduct me to achieve my goals. There are a lot of things I know I can do with the learning environment and creative process during [Program Coursework]. This [Name of Program] is the ideal for me, I want to be part of its community. I know from very talented artists and animators who passed here. I know I can be successful like them. I am aware of my strengths and abilities, which will lead me to be part of animated projects that will represent a role in the childhood and memories of a lot of people.


Exercise 1: Analyze a personal statement

  1. How is the writer introduced?
  2. What information do you think the prompt asked for?
  3. Are the ideas sequenced in a logical order?
  4. Is there a clearly stated purpose (conclusion) in this personal statement?
  5. What suggestions would you give this writer to improve the personal statement?

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