Comparison Writing

Have you ever thought about how you are similar to your parents? Maybe you have the same nose as your Dad or the same laugh as your Mom. There are probably many differences between you and your parents as well. Maybe you have different hair colors, or you like different activities. It is natural to make comparisons. Comparisons are how you understand the world around you and gain a deeper knowledge of yourself and others. Often, we use comparisons in our writing. 

Comparison essays point out the similarities and differences between two things. The purpose of a comparison essay is to help your audience gain a deeper understanding of two topics in a similar category.  

In this chapter, you will write a comparison essay examining two academic topics.  

Alternative Project: ReviewsExample Comparison WritingPrewritingSkill: UnitySources: SummarizingRevise Comparison WritingRevisingTimed Writing (The Prompt)Integrated Writing (Paraphrasing)

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