HW 1.2: Honoring Language Difference


Learning Outcome Pedagogical Intent Student Position

Acquire and employ knowledge of language as a system and the ways in which languages are different and similar.

Assessment: 50 pts.

Due: Session 2

Teachers will gain greater understanding of a students’ experiences with language in regard to identity, culture, and learning and apply it to their classrooms.

Students have learned about speech communities and examined their own assumptions and beliefs about language variation. They will use new vocabulary and learn new analytic skills that will support their final assignment using Inclusive Pedagogy as a tool for understanding language minority students.


  1. Read the article “What is a Speech Community? Why Should Teachers Care?”.
  2. Answer the questions in the reading guide.
  3. Read the four one-page stories.
  4. Then analyze the one assigned to you by your facilitator.  Make connections between the story and the article you read as part of this homework.
  5. In session 2, you will access a video ethnography online so bring a laptop to session 2.

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