
Chief acknowledgment goes to original author and project creator Lisa Thomas, without whose vision this version would have been impossible.

Thank you to . . .

The Brigham Young University Marriott School of Business Dean’s Office for unwaveringly providing supporting resources needed to create and continually update this open textbook: Dean Brigitte Madrian, Associate Dean John Bingham, Associate Dean Bonnie Anderson, and Associate Dean Eric Teel.

The Friends of the Harold B. Lee Library and the late Jennifer Paustenbaugh, former University Librarian at BYU, for generously supporting the original edition.

Dr. William Baker for being a role model and inspiration.

Our students who light the world as they enter to learn and go forth to serve.

Contributors to the 2024 version

Authors: Liz Dixon, Melissa Wallentine

HTML programmer, researcher, and graphic designer: Rahel Meyer

Content Creation: Harold B. Lee Librarians Maggie Marchant, Jessica Tuwun, and Lety Camacho; and Rahel Meyer

Contributors to the original PDF version

Original PDF Version

Lead author and project manager: Lisa Thomas

Authors: Sue Bergin, Liz Dixon, the late Julie Haupt, Karmel Newell, Mariana Richardson, Kurt Sandholtz, Andy Spackman, Melissa Wallentine, and Crickett Willardsen.

Reviewers: Warren Brunson, Lara Burton, Linda Christensen, Shayne Clarke, Kacy Faulconer, Leslie Kawai, Valene Middleton, Duane Miller, Rick Murdock, Ryan Starks, Ross Storey, and Scott Taylor.

Design and Research: Clarissa Oliphant and Mallory Reese

Licensing Information

This is a free textbook. It represents hundreds of hours of scholarship, writing, and editing work. It is licensed under a CC BY 3.0 (Attribution) license. This means that you are generally free to share and adapt the contents of this book as long as you provide proper attribution.

Some embedded content in this book (such as YouTube videos) may not be licensed in the same way as the book generally. Before using embedded media content in your own project, please check the license on the specific resource.

Since this book contains a collection of resources, not all are licensed in the same way. Please refer to available licensing information on individual chapters if provided, because licensing on individual book elements (e.g., chapters, videos) overrides the boilerplate license for the book.

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