About this Edition


This volume was compiled from the Project Gutenberg copy of the public domain text Jesus the Christ. In this edition, we have attempted to correct formatting and other errors and also to add valuable features to help learners gain greater benefit from the author's words.


Because the book was written at a Graduate-school reading level, its vocabulary can be difficult to understand at times. This is made worse because it was written over 100 years ago, and some of the language sounds a bit archaic to modern readers.

To assist with this, an automated dictionary is overlaid on all content. Simply highlight any word in the text, and it will provide a definition popup.

Example popup dictionary
Example dictionary popup




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Royce Kimmons

Brigham Young University

Royce Kimmons is an Associate Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology at Brigham Young University where he seeks to end the effects of socioeconomic divides on educational opportunities through open education and transformative technology use. He is the founder of EdTechBooks.org, open.byu.edu, and many other sites focused on providing free, high-quality learning resources to all. More information about his work may be found at http://roycekimmons.com, and you may also dialogue with him on Twitter @roycekimmons.

This content is provided to you freely by BYU Open Learning Network.

Access it online or download it at https://open.byu.edu/jesus_the_christ/about_this_edition.