HW 3.3: Reading about Poverty PhDs

Shifting My Thinking about Student Potential


Learning Outcome Pedagogical Intent Student Position

Communicate a personal acceptance of and acknowledge the dynamics of culture in the lives of all students.

Assessment: 50 pts.

Due: Session 4

Teachers can apply what they learn about poverty from this article to working with their students who live in poverty so those students can achieve in their education.

Students have learned about deficit orientations to cultural difference. They are now prepared to read stories of culturally diverse college professors and their experiences moving around in educational systems.


  1. Read the article “Poverty PhDs: Funds of Knowledge, Poverty, and Professional Identity in Academia.” Click and download on Poverty PHD to read it.
  2. Identify three insights or wonders that occurred to you as a result of reading this assignment. Remember what you learned from Pam Perlich's lecture, the Myths and Realities readings and other things you have learned so far in this course.  

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