Five Senses Mindfulness

This intervention can be used with children and adults and requires little to no additional cost.

Intervention Overview

For this activity, students use each of their five senses to focus their attention on their surroundings. The following video, created by Sesame Street and the mental health platform Headspace, is a great introduction to the Five Senses mindfulness meditation practice. You may wish to use this video to introduce the activity to young students.

Watch on YouTube
Watch on YouTube

Intervention Guide:

Grade Level: All
Materials: None
Duration: 5 minutes daily or as needed.
  1. Have students notice 5 things they can SEE.
  2. Then, have them notice 4 things they can FEEL.
  3. Have students draw their attention to 3 things they can HEAR.
  4. Have them notice 2 things they can SMELL.
  5. Have students draw their attention to 1 thing they can TASTE.

References: (n.d.). The five senses worksheet. 

Sesame Street. (2020, April 15). Sesame street monster meditation #1: I-sense with Cookie Monster and Headspace [Video]. YouTube. 

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